Saturday, February 14, 2009

Guilty Pleasures in Music

The other day I found a CD I got when I was real young. This was the first CD that I ever owned, I got it when I was like 8 after I had my tonsils out. The CD is Sheryl Crow's Tuesday Night Music Club. I guess I really liked that song "All I Wanna Do" when I was a kid, it was extremely popular at the time. Well, I found the CD a couple of days ago and popped it in. I realized that there is a song on there that I love. "I Shall Believe" is a killer tune. I know it is a sappy song that girls would like, but I can't help the fact that I really enjoy it. In coming across this I decided to come up with a list of guilty pleasures that most of my friends would make fun of me for liking. Here's my list.

1. Anything by Hall and Oates. I don't know what it is about them, but they have like 10 songs that I dig and all of them are really catchy.

2. Skid Row. I only like two or three songs by them, "I Remember" in particular. I will get on these strange kicks where, for some strange reason, I just want to listen to hair metal and power ballads. I know it is bad music, but again it's a guilty pleasure.

3. The Pretenders. This isn't as bad because they are a very respected band, but my friends will rip on any music with female singers. I love everything by the Pretenders and she is hot in a weird kind of way.

4. The Cure. Most people make fun of this because Robert Smith wears makeup and looks like a scary clown. Also, the music is very depressing, but they are my favorite band.....ever.

5. Dido. I like her voice. I know I probably just lost half of my masculinity, but it feels good to get it out. I am going to get burned up for posting that one.

1 comment:

  1. Dido? Dido? Dude.....Dude. At least pick a chick that rocks an axe or something!
