Tuesday, February 10, 2009

top five lists

I recently watched the movie "High Fidelity" for the 600th time. If you haven't seen it, it's great. But in the movie the characters have top five lists for everything musical. So, I am going to roll out my first top five for music. The top five most overplayed overrated tunes ever.

1. "Stairway to Heaven" - Led Zepplin.
2. "Paint it Black" - Rolling Stones
3. "My Generation" - The Who
4. "Layla" - Derek and the Dominos
5. "Sittin' at a Bar" - Rehab

Ok, don't get me wrong "Stairway to Heaven" is a tremendous song, I love it, but I hear it all of the time on the radio. Also, for some reason this is the song that always comes up when you talk about Led Zepplin with people that don't really listen to Zepplin, I guess that's because it is their biggest song. Another thing that pisses me off is the fact that every amateur guitar player will either tell you they can play Stairway or show you they can, like it is the know all end all of guitar playing, just friggin' stop already it's annoying.

"Paint it Black" isn't the Stones biggest song and it might not be the one that is played most on the radio, but I hear it all of the time. People also play this song at parties and always bring it up like it is that one song by them that no one knows... alright people everybody knows about it, stop already. On top of that it is really annoying after the first few times you hear it, there just isn't much to the song.

"My Generation" is an awesome tune. The one thing that overrates this song is the fact that big music networks and music critics point to this song as the anthem of a generation. Well, I just don't think it is, so shut up about that garbage. I don't think anyone from the 70s will point to that song as the one that defined the era, no one you hear me no one.

"Layla" is the most overrated song ever. It is all over the place, it is played all of the time, it is covered all of the time, everyone seems to like it for some reason. I might get blasted for saying this, but it just isn't that good. Yeah, the opening guitar is awesome, but after that the song does absolutely nothing for me, I usually just hit next. I'm at the point now where I don't even like the guitar anymore I'm just like "Damn this song again."

Finally, "Sittin at a Bar" by Rehab. This song isn't very popular on the radio, so some may think it doesn't merit inclusion on a list like this, but you have to understand where I am coming from. I live in the south, so for drunk rednecks this is some kind of damn theme song. Every time I am at a bar some drunk ass hillbilly has to play it on the jukebox and more often than not they play it twice, back to back. This song damages my calm and all I can think about is drunk rednecks leaving their 18 kids back at home unsupervised while they're out getting hammered at some dive. I will hear it again I'm sure of that and I might just slit my throat next time I do. That song sucks.

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